Archivi tag: marina


D-Marin Marinas Group goes full speed ahead with its programs, privileges and network which make the Doğuş Group company a regional powerhouse in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Adriatic Sea. With a network of 10 marinas located across three Mediterranean countries that … Continua a leggere


Amongst the abundance of events being organised along the Adriatic Coast this summer, some of the most interesting ones will be taking place in Porto Montenegro – one of the most attractive summer destinations in the Mediterranean. Offering a wide variety of entertainment for residents, visitors and marina guests, Porto Montenegro it’s an exciting place to be all summer long.

 Podmornica P-821 Heroj

Early July the Naval Heritage Collection invited guests to a drinks reception and open night to explore the restored submarine P-821Hero, part of the former Yugoslav war fleet. Those who explored its internal chambers got a glimpse of what life was like as a submariner and the unique opportunity to experience the innermost workings of this lethal and complex, amazing 50 meters long warship. 

 Throughout July an exhibition of world-renowned avant-garde artists will also take place at the NHC museum. With focus on futurism and pop-art, ‘From Futurism to the Contemporary Art’ organised by the MICRO galleries of Rome, combines the biggest names of these styles including Schifano, Festa, Angeli, Kounellis, Pascali, Rotella, Maselli and Andy Warhol (his iconic works Flowers, Red Lenin, Cospiracy and Dallas). An artistic installation of Dennis Oppenheim Gathering and work of Roy Lichtenstein are also a part of the display, who substantiality characterise the works of artists such as Danilo Bucchi, Cristiano Petrucci, Fabrizio Campanella, Michele Cossyra, Patricia Pre, Elio Varuna, Riccardo Fiore Pittari, Giuliano Giganti, Giampistone, Elia Li Gioi, Gabriels and Cant, founder of the artistic movement Najs. Contemporary Montenegrin reflection of the avant-garde is marked by sculptures of Adin Radoster, Zeljko Reljic and Vlatka Vujosevic.

 Lido Mar bazen

This year 24 hours of elegance has moved from Belgrade to the Montenegrin coast. During the programme on July 13th and 14th  Porto Montenegro will be hosting Luxury Saloon events, which will take place in the exclusive Regent apartments.  Visitors will be introduced to some of the most luxurious international brands, such as  Sciamat (hand sewn Italian suits), Ducal (masters of premium handcrafted shoes), Clive Christian (luxurious perfumes, with precious rare ingredients), TAG Heuer watches (latest Masterpiece Collection, which represents perfection of the watch creation art, and has won prestigious awards at this year’s fair in Geneva), Urban Sea (luxurious materials for interior and yachts), Lotusier (authentic, hand-crafted items for the house) and many others. After a day filled with luxury and elegance, guests can enjoy a glass of Moët & Chandon on the terrace of the Regent.

 Podmornica P-821

Another important event this summer will be the Mercedes-Benz Style Pavillon, in loco at Porto Montenegro from 27 July – 11 August after a 22 country tour. Amongst other Mercedes-Benz Style products, Silver Arrows Marine are giving visitors a sneak preview of their forthcoming all brand new 14metres Granturismo motor yacht, first launched at the Monaco Yacht Show in 2012, before it finally arrives in the marina in 2014. Free admission.

 Wrapping up the summer in style, Porto Montenegro will host its very own Food Festival from 26- 27 August when the marina’s five restaurants, wine bar, crew bar and ice cream parlour will offer promotional menus, tasting experiences and masterclasses on everything from the perfect pizza dough to mixing classic cocktails. This will also be a unique opportunity to sample some of the region’s local delicacies against the dramatic backdrop of the Boka Bay.

For more information on any of these events and others taking place at Porto Montenegro this summer visit or email for reservations.


Porto Montenegro, the Mediterranean’s leading luxury yacht homeport and marina village, announces the all new 2013 Summer Event Calendar.

In the busy and thrilling schedule of events that will come to life during this 2013 PORTO MONTENEGRO summer, we point out the “24 Hours of Elegance” on 13th  and 14th of July, allowing visitors to admire the best examples of European luxury, from grand merit cars to fashion, from perfumes to watches. Saturday 13th  will be the day of the party Purobeach. In order to take part in this event reservations have to be made via email to

Another important event that Porto Montenegro will host this summer is the Mercedes-Benz Style Pavillon. From 27th of  July to 11th of August, Mercedes-Benz and Silver Arrows Marine – at her home port finally – will share a traveling exhibition that will reach Porto Montenegro after a tour in 22 other countries. Admission is free and there visitors can take contact with the prestigious German cars and the range of boats of Silver Arrows Marine (3D models only), introduced for the first time at the Monaco Yacht Show 2012.

 In August, Porto Montenegro will come to life even the PM Food Festival, scheduled for 26th  and 27th when the two restaurants at the marina, along with the wine bar and ice cream shop, will offer local products with promotional menu. Unmissable opportunity to savour the local delicacies in the beautiful theatre of Porto Montenegro.

2013 PM Summer Events Calendar


PortoMontenegro, ведущий средиземноморский яхтенный комплекс с мариной и прилегающей инфраструктурой, сообщает о выполнении необходимых требований для получения двух новых сертификатов: UNIENISO 14001 в области экологического менеджмента и ISO 9001 в области менеджмента качества.


PortoMontenegro (управляется компанией AdriaticMarinas) прилагает максимальные усилия для защиты экологии и сбережения уникальной прилегающей территории. Комплекс разработал целый ряд мер по предотвращению загрязнения окружающей среды и постоянно совершенствует методики для еще более эффективной защиты природы. Для достижения поставленных целей компания приняла решение ввести в действие международный стандарт UNI EN ISO 14001.

Политика марины по защите окружающей среды заключается в следующем:

  • Постоянное улучшение экологических показателей путем предотвращение всех видов загрязнения;

  • Соответствие применимым правовым и другим видам норм в плане экологии;

  • Ежедневный мониторинг состояния воды в марине для предотвращения ее загрязнения;

  • Разработка и внедрение современных технологий по снижению уровня загрязнения окружающей среды, вызванного случайными разливами топлива;

  • Оптимизация процесса сбора отходов и поддержка инициатив, направленных на использование перерабатываемых ресурсов;

  • Способствование усилению культурного наследия района и продвижение локальных программ по его развитию;

  • Проведение тренингов персонала, направленных на информирование о правовых аспектах защиты окружающей среды и совершенствование внутренних процессов;

  • Информирование и повышение уровня осведомленности среди клиентов, гостей, третьих лиц и поставщиков, действующих в марине, с целью обеспечения исполнения необходимых требований для улучшения экологии. Политика компании по защите окружающей среды открыта и доступна всем.

ISO 9001 в области менеджмента качества —

Porto Montenegro 2a

Что касается сертификата ISO 9001, PortoMontenegro (в этой части управляется компанией AdriaticMarinaServices) заботится о предоставлении клиентам услуг высочайшего уровня. «Мы понимаем, что наши усилия отражаются на впечатлениях клиентов, – говорит Тони Браун, директор марины PortoMontenegro. – Для нас качество услуг является фундаментальным аспектом успеха организации. Наша главная задача – построение длительных прочных отношений с клиентами, и мы работаем в соответствии с международными стандартами для достижения наших целей».

Сертификат ISO 9001: 2008 поможет PortoMontenegroстать важнейшей и одной из самых престижных марин и мест для отдыха во всем Средиземноморье.

Для обеспечения клиентов исключительными по качеству услугами PortoMontenegro следует следующим принципам:

  • Каждый клиент PortoMontenegro (PM) знает, что он или она – самый важный клиент;

  • PM никогда не игнорирует проблемы или жалобы. Наша команда сразу же приступает к решению проблем;

  • PM стремится к постоянному совершенствованию, развивает новые идеи, использует нелинейный подход и жаждет успеха во всех направлениях работы;

  • PM старается превосходить ожидания и заботится о нуждах клиентов и партнеров;

  • PM обладает профессиональной командой, для которой комфорт клиентов превыше всего.


Porto Montenegro: deux nouvelles certifications ISO

Porto Montenegro, port d’attache leader et village de marina en Méditerranée pour yachts de luxe, annonce avoir reçu deux certifications très importantes: l’ISO 14001, relative à la GestionEnvironnementale et l’ISO 9001, relative à la Gestion de la Qualité.

7649067772_c03e3e2e6d_oLa Marina de Porto Montenegro (gérée par Adriatic Marinas d.o.o.) s’engage à protéger l’environnement et le territoire dans lequel elle opère ; en particulier, en mettant en œuvre des actions ciblées sur la prévention de la pollution et l’amélioration continue de sa protection environnementale. De façon à apporter un soutien opérationnel solide à sa politique environnementale, l’organisation a décidé d’introduire la norme internationale UNI EN ISO 14001.

La politique environnementale de la société Marina Porto Montenegro:

  • performance environnementale constante grâce à la prévention de tout type de pollution,

  • conformité aux exigences juridiques et à toute autre exigence se rapportant aux aspects environnementaux,

  • contrôle de la qualité de l’eau pour la prévention et la maîtrise de tout type de pollution,

  • adoption de procédures d’urgence et de techniques de pointe pour limiter toute pollution environnementale due à un déversement accidentel d’hydrocarbures dans l’eau,

  • optimisation de collecte et gestion des déchets, soutien aux initiatives et à la réduction progressive des déchets mis en décharge ou destinés à récupération / recyclage,

  • promotion d’initiatives vouées à élargir le patrimoine culturel et environnemental local dans une perspective de développement durable du territoire dans lequel elle opère,

  • éducation du personnel aux principes relatifs aux lois de protection de l’environnement et aux procédures internes,

  • information et sensibilisation des usagers, tiers opérant sur le territoire et fournisseurs afin qu’ils agissent dans le respect de l’environnement et en conformité avec la politique environnementale. La Société s’engage à dévoiler au public sa politique environnementale et à la divulguer à toute personne travaillant pour elle ou sur le territoire.

— ISO 9001 Certification de la Gestion Qualité ci-après —

Porto Montenegro 2aConcernant la Certification ISO 9001 – Gestion de la Qualité, la Marina de Porto Montenegro (gérée par Adriatic Marina Services) s’engage à garantir un service clientèle haut de gamme. “Nous sommes conscients que nos efforts influencent la qualité de vie de nos clients – réfère Tony Browne, Directeur de la Marina dePorto Montenegro – “Pour nous, la qualité est fondamentale dans la réussite constante de l’organisation. Nous fournirons la même qualité et le même service impeccable que nous nous attendrions et désirerions recevoir en tant que client. Nous offrirons l’atmosphère et l’environnement qui amélioreront la qualité de vie de nos clients. Notre principal objectif est de construire une relation à long terme avec notre clientèle, c’est pour atteindre ce but que nous travaillons en respectant les normes internationales de qualité”.

ISO 9001:2008 Cela aidera Porto Montenegro à concrétiser sa volonté de devenir le premier port d’attache et de plaisance de Méditerranée.

Afin de fournir un service haut de gamme, Porto Montenegro s’engage à respecter les principes suivants:

  • Chaque client de Porto Montenegro peut être assuré d’être au centre de toutes les attentions de l’équipe.

  • PM ne négligera aucun problème ni plainte. L’équipe résoudra rapidement chaque problème.

  • PM s’engage à s’améliorer constamment. PM construit sur de bonnes idées, à l’avant-garde, avec le désir de réussir et de conférer une valeur ajoutée au travail d’équipe.

  • PM cherche à dépasser toute attente et vise à maximiser la satisfaction de ses clients et partenaires.

  • L’équipe de PM se présentera de façon tout à fait professionnelle jusque dans la tenue vestimentaire et créera une ambiance au sein de laquelle le client se sentira à l’aise et orgueilleux.


Porto Montenegro doubles marina berths

Porto Montenegro is the visionary marina and homeport that integrates full yacht and superyacht services with a vibrant waterfront village, in the heart of one of the Mediterranean’s most picturesque nautical regions. Porto Montenegro is undertaking an important expansion plan, doubling the marina’s available berths from 245 to 490. The expansion is planned to be completed by the spring-summer of 2014.


Over the next two years Porto Montenegro will complete phase two of its development, with fifty percent of the new berths for yachts up to 20 meters long, and 145 berths will be for yachts over 25 metres in length. Upon completion, Porto Montenegro will not only be one of the largest yacht havens in the Mediterranean, but with more than 50 of the new berths destined for yachts over 45 metres in length, it will also have one of the biggest superyacht capacities in the world.

The Montenegrin company “Yu Briv” has been awarded the tender for the second phase of construction in Porto Montenegro Marina. This includes both the expansion of existing jetties and the construction of additional wharves, with design by UK based Marina Projects, leading experts in the field of superyacht marina design.

Marina View July 2012

We are very pleased to award our marina expansion contract to one of the leading Montenegrin construction companies. We have had excellent cooperation with the leading Montenegrin construction company “Yu Briv” in the past, and know they will deliver a world class quality marina, reinforcing Porto Montenegro as one the leading marinas in the Mediterranean”, said Porto Montenegro’s Managing Director Oliver Corlette.

Tony Browne, Marina Director refers: “The expansion of the marina is not only a testament of success for Porto Montenegro, it also confirms that the Adriatic has cemented itself as an exciting destination for yachts of all sizes and classes. The new berth mix will appeal to both ends of the yachting market, especially for the super and mega-yachts that will soon be supported by the new state-of-the-art maintenance & refitting facility”.


Porto Montenegro – a surprising value for money location
Modern Montenegro is a stable democracy with an investor-friendly economy, Euro currency and maximum of 9% tax on income, company and capital gains. Porto Montenegro offers surprising value for money, both in terms of pricing and tax benefits. The Montenegrin tax strategy is geared towards a national, uniform system that treats everyone equally. Yacht-friendly laws have been implemented, illustrative of the government’s desire to promote the growth of nautical tourism in the country. With the rate of tax applied to basic goods and marina services already capped at just 7%, the plan for the future is to create an incentivised flat tax regime across all taxable areas.

Key tax rates:
– Tax applied to basic goods and marina and tourist services capped at 7%
– VAT currently stands at 17%
– Legal and Administration Fees are between 500-1000 €
– Income Tax is 9%
– Corporate Income Tax is 9%
– Rental Income Tax is 9%, subject to automatic deduction of 30% based on costs
– Property transfer tax is 3%
– No capital gains tax on resale or transfer of property
– Competitive customs duty

Breaking news! Sand People Communication will support PR&Media relations for Porto Montenegro for France-Italy-Turkey-Russia

From February 2013 Sand People will support PR&Media relations for Porto Montenegro for France-Italy-Turkey-Russia.

00Immagine 2


Be prepared for many important news in the next weeks!

PORT TARRACO – SPAIN – the megayachts hidden gem in the Med

Port Tarraco in Spain is one of the Mediterranean’s deep water marinas. The marina has restructured its berths to enable it to accommodate a greater number of large superyachts, megayachts and gigayachts. Port Tarraco provides a total of 64 berths for yachts between 30 and 160 metres. Port Tarraco was recently purchased by Qatar real estate investment company QATARI DIAR. Port Tarraco is a hidden gem in the Mediterranean, located on the doorstep of the beautiful and historic city of Tarragona, on Spain’s ‘Golden Coast’. From a chance to explore the rich local Catalonian culture, approximately 95km south of Barcelona, Port Tarraco is one of the few existing marinas of its kind in the western Mediterranean to offer deep water berthing for large, sophisticated super, mega and giga yachts.

Click here for press materials